Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

A very satisfying soup, yet full of vitamins and healthy ingredients. It’s best for colder weather served with your favorite salad and freshly baked bread. It is also as a starter for a full blown meal. Our family loves this as the weather gets cooler 

Picadillo Stew

Picadillo Stew

A very simple and flavorful meat and vegetable soup stewed and served under 30 minutes. With all the common ingredients already in my pantry or refrigerator, I just need to gather everything, throw it in the pan and presto, a stew that can be enjoyed 



One of the most satisfying dish to have with a clean taste of the broth that simply acquired its taste from the bone marrow and beef shank perked up by some common spices and vegetables. I love it served with spicy fish sauce on a 

Beef Bone Broth

Beef Bone Broth

With so many benefits of beef bone broth, I also started to make my own broth and it became a staple on our home. Your meat butcher in your local grocery may even give it to you for free if you ask nicely! For a 

